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* For illustration purpose only


إنتهى من المخزن

الاسم التجاري: هوديا
الاستخدام: هوديا عبارة عن مستخلص نبات طبيعي يتيح لك التحكم في الوزن الزائد بهدوء وأمان. كما أنه يقلل من الشعور بالجوع
الجرعة المتاحة: 400
معلومات التسليم لدينا
عدم التسليم إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

* الأسعار الواردة في القائمة لا تنطبق على سويسرا والسويد والدنمارك. يُنصح العملاء بتقديم طلب، وسيتواصل فريقنا مرة أخرى لإبلاغهم بالأسعار المحدثة.

هذا المنتج يشاهده حاليا 23 مستخدم.

يسعدنا الاتصال بك بمجرد توفر هذا العنصر
ببساطة أدخل بريدك الإلكتروني في الفراغ أدناه
Hoodia is a natural plant extract which softly and safely allows to control extra weight. This supplement is produced from Hoodia gordonii, a cactus-like succulent plant, native to the Kalahari Desert. Its active component is the molecule À57 similar to one glucose. It is much more active than glucose and 'tricks' center of hunger in the brain hereby diminishing appetite. It does not influence the feeling of real hunger, so a deficit of vital substances occurs. The extract of Hoodia diminishes feeling of 'evening hunger' and hunger between basic meals. The composition of the Hoodia gordonii also includes soluble dietary fibers and beta-sitosterol.
Take Hoodia according to instructions on the package or as directed by your physician. Determine your exact dosage and schedule for intake with a practitioner trained with herbal/health supplements.
Do not take this supplement if you are pregnant, plan to be pregnant, breastfeeding, hypersensitive to this product or suffer from diabetes or any heart disease, high blood pressure, have bleeding or blood clotting disorder or have anorexia, bulimia or any other eating disorder. 
No side effects are known for this supplement as it is not a stimulant but a natural product. Hoodia is safe for a majority of people though further researches are required.
Consult your physician if you missed a dose.
Signs of overdose are not determined.
Store Hoodia as directed on the package. Keep out of the reach of children. 

Medically reviewed by: Dr. Josette Davignon

Last updated: 18.05.2024

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